Tommy Kelly Interviewed by Sunday Times about eShopWorld’s Phenomenal Growth

The e-commerce specialist is thriving as it boosts global internet sales for brands such as Nike and Calvin Klein
CEO of eShopWorld, Tommy Kelly was interviewed in the Sunday Times on Sunday June 21 2020, speaking about eShopWorld’s exceptional growth, even during a pandemic. From the original article in the Sunday Times:
“The growth has been extradinary. Last year, eShopWorld posted sales of €564m, up ninefold since 2016 and up 36% year on year. The company counts five of the world’s top 10 clothing brands as clients, and added 16 new ones in 2019 – three-quarters of them European or British. eShopWorld is 50.1%-owned by Asendia, a logistics joint venture between La Poste of France and Swiss Post. Kelly holds the rest.
Last year the shareholders invested €20m in upgrading its technology and the business added more than 100 staff. By the end of this year, the headcount is set to rise to 450. Halfway through 2020 and sales are charging towards an annual increase of 80%-100%.”
To read the full article please click here.