April 20th, 2017, Michael Nolan, Chief Product Officer at eShopWorld, gave a talk on Identity and Customers, chaired by Irmina Raczylo from Nike, as part of the Uprise Festival in Amsterdam. The talk focused on customer centricity in global markets and how to approach identity as an international retailer.
The panel discussion was called Identity and Disruption for Change. Panelists discussed how we interact with products on a daily basis and build them into our lives, how we wear technology, talk technology and technology streams into our very personal networks.
4 companies took to the stage to look at making an impact on the synergy between communication, technology and how we create our own sense of identity. Panelists for the discussion were: Brend Kouwenhoven (Co-founder of Travis Translator), and Michael Nolan (CPO at eShopWorld).
Uprise Festival aims to bring together fast growing companies, talent, funding, partners and the public, through a series of Workshops, Panels, Games, Djs and raucous night-time activities.

April 20th, 2017, Michael Nolan, Chief Product Officer at eShopWorld, gave a talk on Identity and Customers, chaired by Irmina Raczylo from Nike, as part of the Uprise Festival in Amsterdam. The talk focused on customer centricity in global markets and how to approach identity as an international retailer.
The panel discussion was called Identity and Disruption for Change. Panelists discussed how we interact with products on a daily basis and build them into our lives, how we wear technology, talk technology and technology streams into our very personal networks.
4 companies took to the stage to look at making an impact on the synergy between communication, technology and how we create our own sense of identity. Panelists for the discussion were: Brend Kouwenhoven (Co-founder of Travis Translator), and Michael Nolan (CPO at eShopWorld).
Uprise Festival aims to bring together fast growing companies, talent, funding, partners and the public, through a series of Workshops, Panels, Games, Djs and raucous night-time activities.