March 9th, 2017, will see the eCommerce Association of Ireland (ECAI) host a day of talks titled “Post Peak Analysis – Planning for Brexit and Christmas 2017 Starts Now!”. eShopWorld’s VP of eCommerce, Colin Creagh, will be running a panel discussion on “Planning and Brexit” at 3.30pm featuring Patrick Sherlock, Giles Fernandez, Richard Moyles, and Maurits Bruggink.
Colin is looking forward to the event and said,
“I’m really excited about facilitating a very topical subject for all ecommerce practitioners.”
The event will showcase talks across a range of topics. From discussion panels on UX, Payments, Law and Logistics, to an introduction from the Enterprise Europe Network, it’s set to be a productive day.
For more information on this event and a full breakdown of the timetable, visit this link.

March 9th, 2017, will see the eCommerce Association of Ireland (ECAI) host a day of talks titled “Post Peak Analysis – Planning for Brexit and Christmas 2017 Starts Now!”. eShopWorld’s VP of eCommerce, Colin Creagh, will be running a panel discussion on “Planning and Brexit” at 3.30pm featuring Patrick Sherlock, Giles Fernandez, Richard Moyles, and Maurits Bruggink.
Colin is looking forward to the event and said,
“I’m really excited about facilitating a very topical subject for all ecommerce practitioners.”
The event will showcase talks across a range of topics. From discussion panels on UX, Payments, Law and Logistics, to an introduction from the Enterprise Europe Network, it’s set to be a productive day.
For more information on this event and a full breakdown of the timetable, visit this link.